The studies conducted in the last years upon electro hydrodynamic generators had been marked by the problems of an existence of a strange parameter that implies beside the reactive (impedance) and active resistance, another resistance-like parameter that could not derive from any of the known electrical structures. This parameter has all the characteristics for a complex resistance, but the final effect is one of an elastic electrical medium.
If at the beginning, in the papers published in 2006, we designated the value for the air resistance inside the electro kinetic converter (EHD) like "REZISTANTA", starting with 18 June 2008, we will designate this characteristic for air resistivity Electrical Elasticity, with the "dem" for unit of measurement (dynamic electricity measure), representing the value for transferring of a quantity of electrical energy into kinetic energy in a gas volume.
The right of this discovery's author to describe and to designate in this way the new electrical parameter can be challenged by any science man that can demonstrate that the physical measure enunciated is described before this date and can give the description of the way that it was highlighted (just the way that we will present it scientifically argued, before the Romanian or international scientific authorities).
The immediate consequence of this discovery consists in the possibility of supplying one electrical user/consumer by using only one electrical conductor instead of two used in present. It means that the traditional/conventional electrical circuit disappear instead using an unique energetic channel.
The prototypes for air purifying devices produced and given for use to persons from our country and abroad in the last two years, use this application successfully, the kinetic converter being supplied by only one electrical conductor.
The new parameter has nothing in common with electrical capacity between the condenser coating and neither with material's propriety to take in a certain amount of energy (entropy characteristic). It can be associated with light reflection phenomenon - see the black body theory - of LASER principle or of mechanical elasticity well-known, being a part of the actions described by the action and reaction law.
This discovery communication will be done on Pancuantic site in Romanian and English, following that physics specialists will argue scientifically the existence and the right for designations of this physic measure.
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